Learn to Play the Native Flute – Neighbor Notes and Trills

Posted by on Feb 3, 2021 in Flute Basics, Flute Lessons, Full Flute
Learn to Play the Native Flute – Neighbor Notes and Trills
How to Play the Native American Flute - Neighbor Notes and Trills

This was a public Livestream recorded on 02-03-2021.

This Live Native American Flute lesson discussed what we talked about in the previous lesson ( https://youtu.be/db5iWqsn2iQ ), recapping the Discussion of Attacks and Releases, Anchor Fingers, Introducing a New Pentatonic Scale and Introducing the concept of Neighbor Notes/Tones and Trills to enhance performance.

  1. Reviewing Phrasing, Expressions and the Known Attacks and Releases
  2. Reviewing the Anchor Finger Concept
  3. Repositioning the Anchor Finger to create a new Pentatonic scale
  4. Introducing the concept of Neighbor Notes/Tones from the scale and Flute perspectives
  5. Showing the concept of trills to create emphasis for notes
  6. Showcasing how trills and emphasis create new expressions