We love creating new music, but it takes time and money. If it wasn’t for our fans and supporters we wouldn’t be able to create new works, arrangements and other content. If you would like to help us keep the lights on here are a few ways that might interest you.
Leave Us a One-Time Tip
Of course many supporters just want to contribute with a one-time “TIP”. Our page on BuyMeACofee.com will allow you to support us by buying us a hotdog. We LOVE hot dogs and love the support to keep our habits going.
Follow Us on Social Media
Following us on Social Media is always helpful. The more people “subscribe”, “follow” or “like” our pages helps us reach more people and get them to see our compositions and works. You support us by sharing us with your network. Good Karma ensues!!
Purchase Sheet Music
Of course our goal is to have you be great Native American Flute performers! All of our music comes with instructions, flute tablature and FREE Piano Accompaniments!! If you really want to show support, get one of our compositions and put up a video of you playing. You can get our compositions on a number of our storefronts!